Scripted Aug 24
I began my coding journey in 2021 when I started my BS in Computer Science. I was fascinated about tech, art, and all that cool stuff. Funny thing, though — my parents wanted me to be a doctor. So, I spent a good chunk of time studying medicine. But after graduating from college, things didn't pan out, and I had to pick a different path. Naturally, I went with Computer Science. Sure, I lost some time figuring all this out, but I developed this habit of exploring new things and learning like crazy because I had all these wild ideas but no clue how to make them happen. So, I rushed to learn everything as fast as possible.
At first, I wasn't a fan of web dev. I mean, I got stuck in the HTML and CSS rabbit hole — so boring! So, I switched to Flutter, which was super cool when I started. I spent about six months on Flutter, learning and working on my project, Ozan. But then, in July 2024, in summer vacations, I picked up Vue as a little side experiment or hobby. After a few days, Vue started getting interesting, and then I tried Nuxt.js, which made things even better. Before I knew it, I shifted all my interest to web dev. That's when I really fell in love with web development.
In my free time I watch movies or anime, listen to music and read books. You can see all my favourites on this folio too. There's a lot more I could say about me and my coding journey, but maybe some other time. Anyway, that's all about me. Feel free to reach out by email, and you can snag my resume here too.
I send emails to keep you updated about the latest things I've created like notes to friends.